The Backstory.
In 2018 the CACUSS event was hosted in our nation’s capital, Ottawa.
They negotiated with the National Gallery to use artwork to produce their conference lanyard. It was a huge success.
So many beautiful works of art from a large spectrum of Canadian artists.
How do you compete with such a stunning keepsake?
The Concept.
Our 2019 event was designed around indigenous inclusion and honoring the nations of treaty 7 …
So I pitched the idea of working with Dione Simon, a well-known indigenous artist (and colleague) from MRU.
The Execution.
I scaled the lanyard dimensions out to an approximate 12-inch high by 32-foot long original artwork. Dione meticulously painted Treaty 7 heritage locations and Calgary landmarks. … then I digitized and optimized the original artwork for print.
It was a huge success … The Ottawa crew may have been a little irked at our return volley … but all is fair in art and war.